大家來翻譯「彌勒真經」 1
彌勒救苦經Sutra of how Mytreya Buddha saving sentient beings
This is from Buddha’s saying about how Maitreya Buddha saves sentient beings from suffering.
The descent of Mytreya Buddha is not an insignificant thing.
(Mytreya Buddha descends to earth with great mission.)
The lineage we took at the initiation ritual is a treasure of sacred mountain(玄關), and it is from ancient Chi,Luh(齊國、魯國)
We are given a treasure of sacred mountain(玄關) at initiation ritual. This lineage is from ancient Chi,Luh(齊國、魯國)
This Tao lineage we took is the same as the one passed down from Shakyamuni Buddha. " mahakasyapa(迦葉) smiling at the Buddha holding up a flower "(拈花微笑)
Three path practitioners all failed the test. Since then Zen(禪) lineage was established.
˙彌勒Mytreya Buddha
˙不非輕not insignificant
˙領寶:We are given treasures at initiation ritual.
˙齊魯:This Tao lineage inherited from ancient Chi,Luh(齊、魯) Shandong province.
˙靈山地:Mystic Portal of life. (玄關)
˙拈花微笑:"pick up flower, subtle smile"
" mahakasyapa(迦葉) smiling at the Buddha holding up a flower "
˙三乘:three path、three vehicle、three way to enlightenment.
Tao lineage is passed down from Shakyamuni Buddha’s(釋迦牟尼佛)Zen school, The first Zen story Flower Sermon “Buddha held up a flower and mahakasyapa(迦葉) smiled”
Shakyamuni Buddha gives a wordless teaching to his disciples by holding up a golden lotus. No one in the audience understands the wordless teaching except mahakasyapa(迦葉), who smiles.
All followers include three path(三乘) practitioners failed this wordless test except mahakasyapa(迦葉). Since then Zen lineage established (禪宗)誕生