

默念真經的階段  英文翻譯 : Lily Zhang 

Stages of recting



    In the beginning, practitioners may find themselves carrying lot of thoughts when reciting. They were never aware of this before. There were so many people and affairs inside their minds anytime and anyplace, as if a move was going on. For those who have fewer thoughts or simple lives, they may think of music when reciting. They are often bothered by the songs or music in their minds.  


    If we compare the whole stage of reciting practice to the grades in tests from 0 to 100 points, there will be five stages. We can understand where we are through the following steps.


Five stages of reciting:



1many thoughts appear when reciting.


2still absent-minded but without specific objects to think of.


3concentrate on reciting.


4seem to stop reciting when our minds become peaceful and tranquil.


5automatically reciting before the disaster comes.



1many thoughts appear when reciting.



    For beginners, they are often surprised at their distractive thoughts when reciting. They were not aware of those thoughts before and wouldn’t recognize them. 


    In the first stage, practitioners are often absent minded. They can be aware of this, and grasp the Five Word Sutra again. However, after a while, their thoughts still keep wandering. So, they are struggling between these two statuses.


    This is the first stage of any practice. Common people usually cannot be aware of their illusory thoughts or attachments. They don’t know about their minds. Simply speaking they even don’t know what they are thinking about.


    Therefore, the first stage of religious practice is to understand our minds, to discover what we are thinking about. We may be confused by our own thinking because it seems that it comes from nowhere.


    Though in this stage, we have so many illusory thoughts, it is really good beginning. It’s a good chance to know ourselves and discover what we are thinking about.


    Some people find they keep thinking about recent affairs, including their own and other people’s words. Some people may think about their old times. Still others may think of other people’s wrong doings, etc.


2still absent-minded but without specific objects to think of.


    If we don’t give up and keep reciting, we will enter the next stage gradually. In this period, we will find ourselves absent-minded, but we don’t know what we are thinking about. In the last period, we clearly know what our thoughts are, but in this period, we don’t have specific objects to consider. Therefore, in the first stage, we may still be influenced by our emotions resulting from the thoughts; however, in this stage, our minds may become more peaceful without the bothering of thoughts.


3concentrate on reciting.


    In this stage, we can keep reciting each of the Five Words continuously with pure thoughts.



4seem to stop reciting when our minds become peaceful and tranquil.


If we continue the previous concentration, we may, after a period of time, feel the Five Word Sutra seem to disappear. Also, distractive thoughts disappear. Our minds are in the state of no-thought, just like there is no need to take medicine anymore when we get well.   



    When we recite the Five Word Sutra and find our minds become peaceful and tranquil, the Sutra will disappear naturally. When the Sutra disappears, there are no other bed thoughts like greed, hatred, and stupidity anymore. If some thoughts come to our mind at this time, they will all be thought of compassion and wisdom to care of sentient beings and solve problems. 


    Some Tao members may have the experience to get certain inspiration after they have the habit of the reciting. Such an inspiration is usually about the problems that bother them for a long time.



5automatically reciting before the disaster comes.


    This is a stage when we find ourselves automatically reciting the Sutra.


    When diseases, disasters or conflicts are going to happen, the Five Word Sutra will appear automatically. When these problems disappear, the Sutra disappears too. However, we may also be aware that we start to recite when there is no any disaster or when we feel peaceful.


    In such a case, it means physical or mental disasters are about to happen, but our practice has helped reduce the bad karma caused by them before disasters come. This can be owed to the merits of reciting the Five Word Sutra.


    This is also what Lao-tzu said, “to be able to be aware and solve what is going to happen.”


    For example, a Tao member used to have a trembling eyelid before the big car accident or disasters. She could not avoid the problem though she knew something was going to happen. Up to now, she has kept reciting the Sutra for years. Sometimes her eyelid trembles again, but nothing happens. Therefore, we can say she has achieved this stage—to be able to solve or prevent disasters in advance.


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