守玄時頭暈 (中英對照)
feeling dizzy during the practice 英文翻譯 : Lily Zhang
Q: why do I feel dizzy or have a heavy head during the focusing practice?
A: This is not bad, but a good phenomenon. Just as Mencius said, “If the medicine cannot make you feel dizzy, your disease will not get well soon.”
This is true with religious practice. During the practice of Tao, we may experience the feeling of being dizzy or sleepy.
“For a very sick person, feeling dizzy is good for him because it means the medicine is very effective. Without such a symptom, his illness may not recover.”
From the medical viewpoint, feeling dizzy means that the brain is recovering itself with α or θ waves.
Our minds also have problems, like greed, anxiety or nervousness. When they are purified from the bottom of our minds, we also feel dizzy.
Take melancholy for example. It is a typical mental problem. More than one Tao member told me that as long as they kept focusing on the Wisdom Door when melancholy appeared, they would soon recover from it about ten minutes later since focusing gave them a dizzy feeling. Melancholy can be healed in this way without any medicine.
Besides physical problems or melancholy, we can also deal with our negative emotions by doing the focusing practice with a dizzy feeling. When anger, nervousness, greed, or jealousy appears, we especially need to concentrate on the Wisdom Door exactly. If we keep this practice for a while and then feel dizzy, those negative and evil statuses of mind can be driven out of our minds.
According to Buddha’s teaching, such a phenomenon has the function to clear out those seeds of bad karmas in our Araya-shiki( the eighth level of consciousness). Master Hsuan-zhang mentioned in his book, “ Once a person achieves the mind status of supreme concentration, his seeds of bad karmas can be completely purified.”
We call the above status of mind “Kongo- vehicle.” It is like a pure, strong, and sharp Kongo(diamond) and can destroy any bad karmas.
If we want to clear or purify our seeds of bad karmas in the eighth consciousness, we must achieve the “Kongo-vehicle.” When we achieve it, we are sure to have dizzy feelings.
However, this does not mean we have to pursue the dizzy feelings during the focusing practice. Sometimes a practitioner can have good feelings without feeling dizzy. The point is: when we feel dizzy during the practice, just go on, and don’t give up.