Some questions about concentration practice
1、守玄想睡 feeling sleepy during the practice
Q: Am I doing the concentration practice in a wrong way if I feel sleepy?
A: This is a common question. However, there are some reasons for it. It depends on individual situation.
1. Being exhausted or working too hard.
2. Having sleeping problems in daily life.
3. Feeling dizzy and sleepy because of bad karmas.
1. Being exhausted or working too hard.
Some people need more sleep, but they don’t give their body enough sleep. Therefore, as soon as they do the concentration practice, they start to feel sleepy. This is their instinct for recovery.
Some people have wrong ideas to push others too hard, especially at work. They regard being diligent as the highest moral. Diligence is good, but they think of rest or sleep as a kind of sin. This makes many people dare not take enough rest, so they are always lacking of sleep or feeling tired.
Besides diligence, the idea that the end of the world is coming also keeps us working. Tao members, in this way, keep themselves busy with Tao affairs every day until they feel exhausted. In this situation, feeling sleepy during the practice is Maitriya Buddha’s blessing to make us sleep.
Actually, enough sleep won’t waste our time. On the contrary, it can make us more effective and wiser when practicing or transmitting Tao. If we are physically exhausted, we will feel bad mentally. With negative emotions or insufficient energy, we cannot perform Tao affairs very well.
二、失眠、憂鬱症:Insomnia, melancholy
For those who have hard time falling asleep or who must take sleeping pills to have a sound sleep, concentrating on the Wisdom Door can adjust their body and mind to the best status, even effective for melancholy.
Those people don’t need wisdom or compassion but enough sleep.
A Tao member told me that after he did the concentration practice, he could sleep very well and didn’t need sleeping pills anymore.
For those who are weak, exhausted, sleepless, or melancholic, sleeping is the best medicine.
Like animals, which always find a save place to recover after getting sick or hurt, sleeping is the best medicine for human beings. We have such instincts, too. But we are used to forcing ourselves to keep working or studying even when we need to sleep. We tend to work or study until we get so sick that we must stay in the hospital.
In medical field, they believe that human brains can secrete GROWTH hormone, Serotonin(5-hydroxytryptamine,或5-HT血清張素)、adrenalin when sleeping. growth hormone can not only help children grow up but also recover any damage in human cells for adults. Therefore, we should follow natural sense. When our body needs help, just go to bed. After a sound sleep, our minds will be very alert. Then, no matter studying or practicing, our body and mind will stay in the best status.
To sum up, when we feel sleepy during the concentration practice, it sometimes means our body is telling us, “I need to sleep.” Just enjoy sleeping with focusing on the Wisdom Door. After our body and mind recover from its tiredness, we will not feel sleepy during the practice.
三、業力造成昏沉。feeling dizzy or sleepy because of bad karmas.
Still another reason for feeling sleepy is contrary to the above ones. Some people are too wander-minded. They cannot concentrate in daily life, so when doing the focusing practice, they feel sleepy.
If you don’t have sleeping problems or are not exhausted in daily life, but you still have sleepy problems during the practice, it means you are wander-minded and lacking of the habit of exercising wit.
For such people, they should remind themselves not to close their eyes when concentrating on the Wisdom Door. Just look at the Buddha lamp or looking in front directly. Persevere to concentrate on the Wisdom Door, and it will help you keep awake.
This may not work first, but as long as they can keep doing the practice, gradually the bad karma may be purified. They will start to have clear and wonderful feelings during the practice.
Q:What’s the difference between breathing through the Wisdom Door and ordinary breathing?
A:Every moment, we keep breathing. There are three differences between our ordinary breathing and the breathing practice.
1、When breathing through the Wisdom Door, we are aware that we are either inhaling or exhaling.
2、Our Wisdom Door has a magnetic feeling when inhaling and exhaling.
3、We have much fewer thoughts when doing the breathing practice. On the contrary, our minds have distractive thoughts in ordinary breathing.
Q:Some methods in meditation also aim to make our minds calm down. What’s the difference from breathing through the Wisdom Door?
The aim of the breathing practice is to purify our thoughts; that is, to make our minds calm down. If meditation can achieve such good effects, we will not need this method. In the meditation, it needs a great master to be able to settle our minds and purify our thoughts. Without a master, a common person can hardly make his minds calm down.
In Taiwan , there is a famous meditation center, where people do the practice by themselves for ten days. They don’t have any master to instruct them. Therefore, some people fail to continue the practice and then escape.
Why can’t we calm down during the meditation?
If we compare our mind to a bull in bull-running festival(奔牛節). It keeps wandering crazily after running out of the fence圍欄 . It’s impossible for us to try to grasp the crazy bull by our hand. However, if we can use a nose ring to control the bull, it will become obedient. The Wisdom Door is like the nose ring for our minds. It is the key to control our distracting mind. With Five Word Sutra, it will be much easier to control the mind because the Sutra is like a rope linked to the nose ring.
Using meditation to control the mind is just like trapping a bull in the net. It prevents the bull from running and hopes it to calm down. The bull is truly limited, but it surely will struggle to escape. So, it may move more terribly.
This is the same as our body and mind. In meditation, our body is sitting still. However, our minds keep wandering far away. Only by breathing through the Wisdom Door can our minds return to the right place.