求道可以改變腦波 (中英對照) 英文翻譯:Liya Zhang
Taking Tao can make brain waves better.
重點: The points ‧ 用三寶的強度、凝聚度越高,腦波呈現α波(高免疫波)的頻率、密度越高。
‧ The better we can concentrate on using Three Treasures, the more possible it will be for us to have α wave.
‧ 只要有求道,每個道親平時都呈現比α波更健康的θ波(佛陀的腦波)。
‧ As long as a person takes the Tao, he or she will maintain healthier brain waves in daily life; that is, θ wave(the so-called Buddha waves).
‧ 求道時點道剎那,彌勒佛已為我們在玄關上接上了「佛陀腦波θ波」,因此我們只要求道,命終都得以憑著「佛陀腦波」超生了死。
At the moment of taking the Tao, Maitriya Budddha has given us the Buddha wave through our Wisdom Doors. With the Buddha wave, we can escape samsara after death.
Is there any evidence to prove that a person is sure to escape samsara after taking the Tao? How can we prove that Tao members can go to Maitriya Buddha’s pure land after death? Here we would like to show scientific evidence through Tao members’ brain waves.
禪定可以科學檢驗 Meditation can be examined through science.
The word “meditation” is known to every school of practitioners. They may claim that their meditation practice has been the supreme one. However, how to prove it? Does it mean that sitting for a long time without physical movement represents food meditation?
In the past, it was difficult for religious practitioners to show their stages of meditation. But because modern technology has made a lot of progress, religious groups now start to examine their stages through scientific equipment.
This trend started with Dalai Lama’s co-operation with American scientists in 1987. He agreed to let western scientists examine senior lamas’ brain waves. This is a good beginning to discover the influence that meditation has on human brains.
The result of this examination through EEG machine is very amazing. It proves that meditation has surprising effect on health physically and mentally. Hence, meditation or Zen became popular in western countries. They apply meditation not only for developing our brain’s potential but also for healing melancholy or other mental diseases. In some states, they even apply meditation to educate the criminals in prison, hoping to improve their personalities. Their equipment is EEG machine.
It’s not easy to make sure a person has been in the state of meditation only through his outward posture. Therefore, EEG machine is a definite method to check a person’s state of mind, whether his brain wave is harmonious α wave or conflictive β wave.
Testing the result of a person’s practice through EEG seems to become a trend in our time. Many religious groups even emphasize more on the result of meditation than on the religious worship, ceremony, or precepts. They just pay attention to the fact that whether religious practice can settle our minds effectively, regardless of any ceremony. Under such circumstances, the data of brain wave testing is the most important part for them to concern.
This year, we cooperated with a brain wave researcher Mr. Huang to have brain wave test on many people, including non-Tao members, Tao members, or those members who keep practicing using Three Treasures or those who don’t do the practice. We chose different places and occasions to test: inside the temple, outside the temple, or inside the temple with special ceremonies, etc. About one year later, we made some conclusion.
The conclusion is very amazing; it also provides me a further scientific understanding of Tao, God’s authority, and escape from samsara.
什麼是腦波?What is the brain wave?
Before explaining the surprising result of brain wave tests, we should first understand what the brain wave is.
No matter we are in action or sleep, our brain keeps producing electric current and intense pulse that is, the so-called brain waves.
The brain waves can be divided into four types according to their frequency:
β波(貝塔波):最快波。(有意識) 每秒震動14~38次。清醒時的腦波。
β wave: The fastest one. It vibrates 14~38 times per second. It is the brain wave when people are awake and conscious.
αwave : Stable wave. It vibrates 8~13times per second. It occurs when people are doing religious practice (between conscious and unconscious).
θ波(西塔波):慢波。(潛意識) 每秒震動4~7次。深度禪定時出現。
θ wave: Slow wave. It vibrates 4~7 times per second. It occurs when religious practitioners are in the state of deep meditation (subconscious).
δ波(德而塔波):最慢波。(無意識) 每秒震動0.5~3.5次。熟睡或靈魂出竅。
δwave: The slowest wave. It vibrates 0.5~3.5 times per second. It occurs when people are in a sound sleep or their souls are out of their physical bodies (unconscious).
β波為一般人的主波 β wave is the main brain wave of common people.
Most people have β wave when they are awake. With the increase of β wave, they tend to feel nervous and prepare for many unexpected situations. Their brain energy is used not only to maintain the brain system but also to protect themselves from any outward danger. Hence, it reduces the immune system of the person. Under such a condition, the person consumes his energy very fast and feels tired soon.
The features of β wave
The features of the β wave are nervousness, bad karmas, exhaustion, low immunity, high pressure, and easy to get sick. Most of our emotional and physical problems come from frequent β wave which prevents us from relaxing.
Of course, β wave is not absolutely negative. We need it to promote our positive attention and recognition. However, maintaining in β wave will consume our energy in body, soul, and health.
腦波的意義the meaning of brain waves
Brain waves can reveal the condition of a man’s soul, stable or anxious. It can also show activity of brain. Most doctors will judge his patients according to these four brain waves to see their problems: melancholy, mentally deficiency, learning disability, etc, while religious groups use EEG data to judge the state of a practitioner’s meditation.
The EEG data shows how we use our minds, how we do the practice, or how we relax ourselves…anything we have done. Take a person who is indulged in computer games for example. His EEG data shows a brain activity that is close to an idiot. On the other hand, a practitioner’s EEG data will show a brain activity ofα wave, and a great master will have a θ wave, or the Buddha wave, in deep meditation.
Here let’s make a simple analysis of the meaning of brain waves in emotion, health, and religious practice.
在情緒上的意義: The meaning in emotion
β wave: brain wave of nervousness. It’s also called “brake wave.”
α wave: brain wave of being relaxed. It also called “creative wave.”
θ wave: brain wave of nap. It appears between conscious and unconscious. It’s also called “Buddha wave.”
δ wave: brain wave of sleep. It appears in a person’s sound sleep. It belongs to the unconscious world.
在健康上的意義:The meaning in health
β wave:brain wave which easily make people sick. It’s also the brain wave of nervousness. With this wave, people will have low immunity.
α wave:brain wave which leads to people’s health. It’s also the brain wave of relaxation. It can secret Enkephalin and offer vital force and high immunity to human beings.
θ wave:brain wave of restoration which can make people extremely relaxed. It’s also called Buddha’s wave.
δ wave:brain wave which occurs when people are resting. It usually appears when people are in sound sleep.
在修行上的意義:The meaning in religious practice
β wave:brain wave of ordinary people. It’s the brain wave that causes bad karmas.
β wave:brain wave of meditation. It’s the brain wave of practitioners.
θ wave:brain wave of Buddha. It’s the brain wave that occurs when religious masters are in deep meditation.
δ wave:this brain wave occurs when a person’s soul is out of his body.
腦波與修行 Brain wave and religious practice
Why must religious practitioner do a test on his brain wave?
It’s because brain wave is deeply related with his religious practice. From electroencephalogram, we can see weather he is in deep meditation or not.
The brain wave data can be explained in religious practice as follows:
β wave: brain wave that can easily cause bad karmas. If a person has this wave for a long time, he will get sick easily because of high pressure in spirit or nerve.
波。如果腦波是在 9~10Hz時候,剛好跟我們地球上空電離層中的「舒曼
α wave brain wave that occurs when a person is in great relaxation physically and mentally. From the point of religious practice and preserving health, we had better make ourselves in α wave all the time.
Once our brain wave is 9~10Hz, it’s just the same as Schuman resonance. Then we can resonant together with Schuman resonance. It’s just the best for human bodies both in health and spirit.
θ wave: brain wave that is close to the state of sleep. It can inspire a person and intensify hisα wave. This can be a kind of wave that occurs in the high level practice.
It usually happens to Kungfu experts or great religious masters. It’s also called “the state if Samadhi.” People under such wave will easily have supernatural ability.
而且人腦能夠感應到的宇宙意識,其頻率是在 7.5 Hz,也就是正好介於α波 與θ波之間,腦波穩定在這樣時,所以也稱為「佛陀的腦波」,此時因共振共鳴機能極致發揮, 最能大量的感受到宇宙意識。
“The universe consciousness,” 7.5 Hz, is just between α wave and θ wave. It’s also called Buddha’s wave. If brain wave is stable in 7.5Hz, the brain can develop fully because of its resonance with Schuman resonance. Then, the person can connect the universe consciousness totally.
δ wave : brain wave that occurs in people’s sound sleep. It belongs to the world of unconsciousness. It is the state full of intuition and the sixth sense. It’s also the state when soul is out of body.
To sum up, no matter we are pursuing health or religious high level practice, it will be the dream for everyone in medical field and religious practice to keep the brain wave in α wave and evenθ wave. However, brain wave is not so easy to control. If we can control the brain wave, it means we can control the disease.
「超右腦革命」 作者:日本 七 田真 博士 著
「難以置信,科學家探尋神秘信息場」 作者:現台灣大學 校長 李嗣涔 教授
道親的腦波-θ波 佛陀波
Tao member’s brain wave-θ wave or Buddha’s wave.
Now, let’s discuss the results of Tao members’ brain wave testing. I expected that when Tao members used Three Treasures, the healthful α wave could appear. This was true as the result showed.
Doing Three Treasures practice can promote our physical and mental quality indeed. Each Tao member will enter the state of meditation as long as he uses Three Treasures.
However, to my surprise, when Tao member don’t use Three Treasures, their brain wave turns out to be θ wave, which is quite contrary to β wave,( the wave of illnesses or worries,) as I have expected.
Instead, they have more high-leveled θ wave. According to the expert’s survey, θ wave is the so-called Buddha’s wave, which is hard to achieve for a religious practitioner. We Tao members have θ wave without any efforts. At first, I was confused. It is good to practice Three Treasures because this can make α wave. But, why does the result show that when Tao members don’t use Three Treasures, high-leveled θ wave appears? I even wonder weather Tao members needn’t practice Three Treasures.
We usually did the brain wave testing for each Tao member twice. He needn’t do any practice at first time. Under the natural situation, he can open eyes or even talk. The result shows that everyone has strongerθ wave at this time. For the second time, the Tao member is asked to close eyes and use Three Treasures. No matter he is breathing through the wisdom door, reciting the Five Word Sutra, or concentrating on the wisdom door, his brain wave becomes continuous α wave immediately.
Mr. Huang, a brain wave analyst, also joined the brain wave testing. He said he never saw this kind of data. He had tested the brain wave of members from many religious groups andα wave seldom occurred there, not to mention the θ wave.
During the testing process, no Tao member looked like a master in meditation. He once doubted that it was the problem of EEG. Several times later, the result that Tao members have stronger θ wave was the same. I wondered that Tao member’s θ wave came from Buddha’s blessing because we had an initiation ceremony in the temple that day.