中文 : 郭明義
英文翻譯 : Lily Zhang
第一課 玄關式呼吸
Breathing through the wisdom door
There are four lessons in practicing the Three Treasures. In the first lesson, we’ll talk about a kind of breathing called “breathing through the wisdom door. ”
If we want to cultivate ourselves, we need to be able to adjust our own breath, as Mencius says, “We should be good at nourishing our vast ch'i."
氣定,則神閒啊! 我們一般人呢! 都是驚其神,所以常處於精神緊張,神不得閒。仙佛菩薩祂們的神是屬於很閒的,很安閒自在,為什麼呢?氣定! 氣定則神閒,所以孟子說要善養浩然之氣,問題是你浩然之氣如何養法呢?那我們就要了解我們身體的結構。以下我們會簡單的解釋我們身體的氣脈和呼吸,甚至和天地宇宙之間的關連。
If our breath is smooth or can be settled down, our minds will be very easy-going. As we common people do in our daily lives, we always excite our spirit or make ourselves excited, so we are often under the state of nervousness and therefore we cannot be carefree. But Buddhas’ and Bodhisattvas’ minds are very calm and very carefree. Why? It’s because they can settle down their breath. Once our breath is smoothly settled down, our minds can be very carefree. So, Mencius says we need to be good at nourishing our vast ch'i."
The problem is : how can we cultivate and nourish our vast ch’i ? First, we should understand our body structure. In the following part, we will explain simply the pulse and breath in our body, and even the connection between them and the universe.
講到這個氣我們的身體就靠這氣活著,但這口氣呢! 有清有濁,我們一般人只知濁氣,不知清氣,那濁者後天,清者先天,
Talking about this ch’i, our body is alive by this ch’i, but this breath or ch’i can be divided into the pure one and the disturbed one. We ordinary people only know the disturbed ch’i. We don’t know what is called the pure ch’i. The disturbed ch’i belongs to the post-birth one, but the pure ch’i belongs to the pre-birth one.
The pre-birth ch’i means it was formed before the earth. It also means kind of energy that can bear the sky, the earth, and all creatures. This kind of energy is called the “almighty power” as God named in the Bible. On the other hand, post-birth ch’i is the layer of the atmosphere.
In everyday life, we breathe in the post-birth ch’i. It is the air existing in the universe. We inhale it and exhale it, too.
但是呢! 還有先天氣,這先天氣就不是空氣了,先天氣就是宇宙之間的光,孟子說的浩然之氣道家稱它為天光,佛家稱它佛光! 浩然之氣,充滿在宇宙之間,甚至外太空都充滿了,整個宇宙唯一的實相,這個浩然之氣至大至剛,塞乎天地之間,甚至呢! 天地之外,無所不在,所以呢! ,怎麼樣去攝取這個浩然之氣?攝取它的方法,這是很重要的。
However, there is another kind of ch’i called the pre-birth ch’i. This kind of ch’i is not air anymore. It is the light in the universe. As Mencius says it’s the vast ch’i, the Taoism called it the heavenly light, and Buddhism called it “ Buddha’s light.”
This vast ch’i is filled with the whole universe and even in outer space. It is the truth of the whole universe. This vast ch’i is very unyielding and very powerful. It exists everywhere, even beyond the world.
Therefore, how can we absorb or inhale it? The way to absorb this vast ch’i is very important.
We just know how to inhale the air, but we don’t know how to absorb the vast ch’i. this vast ch’i needs to be absorbed through our wisdom door. We can start by concentrating on the wisdom door when breathing. Also, we can visualize we breathe in the air not only by nose but also through the wisdom door. There is a magnetic field around the wisdom door. The wisdom door is the door which leads to the origin of all life, as Lao-tzu said in Tao Te Ching “the gate of the mystic nature.” From this door, all living creatures can be born and brought up well.
黑洞和白洞 Black hole &White hole
In the universe, there is the black hole. The black hole is the door to ruin. According to the Theory of Relativity, if there is a black hole, there must be a white hole.
In physical terms and in scientific theory, there must be the existence of the white hole. However, we don’t know where the white hole is. Since there is the black hole to ruin all the planets, there will be another white hole to create all the planets.
I want to tell everyone that the white hole is invisible and formless. And our wisdom door is the path to the white hole, called the gate of the mystic nature. It is called the secret door because from it everything can be born and everything can be brought up well. It’s not the door which leads to ruin.
In fact, is there anyone who knows where the white hole is? I should tell you: there is a range about the black hole. It is somewhere in the universe; in many places we can find the black hole. But the white hole exists everywhere. The whole universe is the white hole and the black hole is hiding inside the white hole, just like Satan or some devils cause trouble and damage inside the range of God.
What about the white hole? If we want to realize where the white hole is, we should use our wisdom door to sense it. In ancient China , the wisdom door is called the original key. This original key is the key to achieve Buddhahood.
氣和息之間 Difference between Chi and shih
現再我們要從傳統中醫或中國武學的角度來談這個“氣air”與 “息”chi。
Now we’ll talk about air & chi from the aspect of traditional Chinese medicine or Chinese martial arts.
When we inhale, we are breathing the air or oxygen. Our noses inhale the air, but our apertures inhale the chi. Every aperture leads to the pulse all over our body, and chi is kind of energy working inside the pulse. Many people know how to inhale the air from noses, but only few know how to inhale the chi from these small apertures.
息(pure air),就是先天氣,就是能量,很精純的能量,秘宗認為這是一種精純之氣,精微之氣,它和空氣是不同的,精微之氣在我們的脈裡面行走,這精微之氣就是所謂的先天氣。
Chi is pre-birth energy, very pure energy. In Tibetan Buddhism it is thought to be very pure and subtle chi, different from the air. This pure and subtle chi goes through your pulses and is called the pre-birth chi.
Your pulses will be blocked if there is no such pre-birth, pure and righteous chi circulating in the pulse. Once the pulse is blocked, it will become the so-called yin(overcast)pulse and it is not the yang(congenital)pulse anymore.
This yin pulse will result in the uncomfortable state of your body. Also it may influence your emotions and minds. It influences a lot, such as your energy, chi and spirits.
Therefore, you should keep your chi flowing without obstructions in the pulses. But only under one condition : let the pure chi enter only through the wisdom door.
Just like a big factory. If the power source is supplied, in a moment, all the power can be turned on. After the master directs our wisdom door in the ceremony of taking Tao, all the great power of our life can be switched on.
However, we’ll close the wisdom door again if we ignore it. Once we pay more attention to our five senses, and are often distracted through the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, our wisdom door will be closed.
So, if we want to cultivate ourselves, we just need to learn not to go after the outside world too much. If we can just stop the action of seeing, hearing, touching, smelling or eating, and then concentrate on the action of inhaling and exhaling, at this time our original key will be opened. Since this key is opened, all the other pulses will be opened, too. And the pure chi in the whole universe will go into the pulses gradually. This time, the yin chi inside your body even accumulated for ten or twenty years, will be purified through the entry of this vast chi or Buddha light.
Buddha light can enter your body through each pulse. The question is only whether you open the wisdom door or not. Just like the air can enter our body through the nostril, but you want to pinch your nostril, the air cannot enter it anyway. After your original key is opened, the pure chi will come in naturally and you can exclude the yin chi inside your body. The yin chi comes from our bad karmas accumulated in lives.
所以,等一下我會給大家半個小時的時間實修,當然回去以後最好繼續進行,我們平常看電視,一看就是 一兩 個鐘頭,如果能夠把這個看電視的時間撥出半小時來,做一次玄關式的呼吸,很簡單的,誰都會做的,那麼自然就可以把你身體裡面的這個氣脈全部打通,全身都充滿了這種佛光,佛光不是光在外面照你而已,而是進入你生命的深層,把這個疾病和業障給清除出去。
Therefore, in the following part, I will give you half an hour to practice. Of course it’ll be better to continue doing this practice after class. We often watch TV for one or two hours. If we can take half an hour to practice breathing through the wisdom door, then naturally we can open up all the pulses in our body and make it filled with Buddha light. It’s very easy and everyone can do it.
Buddha light not only shines on you from outside. It can enter the depth of your life and purify your disease and bad karmas.
Breathing through the wisdom door is not only breathing the air. When we breathe in this way, we can inhale the heavenly light, Buddha light, or so-called the vast chi, just like the leave’s photosynthesis.
Three thousand years ago, when Sakyamuni Buddha started to preach the Tao to sentient beings, he preached this kind of breathing. Till now, Hinayana Buddhists still focus on this practice. However, they just emphasize breath counting and how chi can circulate the whole body. They don’t concentrate their thoughts on the wisdom door.
The correct way of doing this practice is to concentrate on the wisdom door and then be aware of each breath, whether we are inhaling or exhaling. We need to be conscious of every inhaling or exhaling from moment to moment.
Some religious practitioners are always in the state of fetus type of breathing. Like those animals in hibernation, they needn’t eat or sleep. This is to rely completely on the heavenly light. We don’t have to achieve this. All that we need is to learn to use this kind of breathing.
Some phenomena often happen when doing this practice. That is, the chronic disease may happen. People may have certain health problems and these problems always appear when they do the practice. But these symptoms will be healed or empowered by universal energy or Buddhas as long as we continue to breathe in the heavenly light. The wisdom door is the umbilical cord between us and Buddhas. It’s also the gate that connects people and the universe. If we make efforts in this part, it not only helps our practice but also helps our health.
We’d better take off the glasses because they may influence the practice.
When we do this practice, certain symptoms of the chronic illness will appear. This does not mean falling ill again, but is a process of healing. The so-called chronic illness is, in fact, the disease we have been suffering for a long time. For example, some may have a sore waist, an aching shoulder or heart problems or even disease of kidneys.
The appearance of chronic illness means the blocked pulses are being cleared. Why is there disease? It’s because our pulses are blocked and the yang chi cannot enter. Neither Buddhas light nor heavenly light can enter. What enters the body is just earthly light.
(buddhas light cannot enter and heavenly light cannot enter)
We should know there is not only earthly air but also heavenly light in the universe. Heaven light belongs to “yang” and earthly air belongs to “yin”. We cannot only have earthly air for existence. When we are initiated through the wisdom door, pure air or heavenly light can go into all the pulses or apertures in our body. If you have very strong physical desires or keep going after the outside world, the wisdom door will become very narrow. Thus the heavenly light enters in a narrow way. Also its power or energy will be very limited. So if we have strong desires when concentrating on the wisdom door, the effect of this practice will be very limited. On the other hand, light desires can lead to a more effective practice.
Once the heavenly light enters our body, the “yin chi” accumulated in our body will be gradually driven out. For the part that has chronic illness, certain symptoms of sore or pains may occur.
At this moment, you needn’t feel panic. The appearance of these symptoms is to purify your chronic illness. Of course it doesn’t mean you can be healed after one period of practice. It takes long- term practice to be completely healed. You cannot expect to recover from the chronic illness by one pack of medicine.
Surely there are still some people that can be healed after one period of practice. Last time when we had a ceremony of using three treasures, a member almost couldn’t breathe when he did the practice of breathing through the wisdom door. It’s because he has had asthma since childhood.
However, he didn’t give up. He practiced even harder and used his whole body to breathe. Usually we breathe through our lungs, but he used his whole body. Finally, his breath became very smooth.
Since then, his asthma was completely healed.
Another member has been suffering from epilepsy. His illness occurred when he was breathing through the wisdom door. But this time he just had slight symptoms such as fainting or cramping. After several times of practice, his epilepsy never came back again. Therefore, the uncomfortable feelings in the process are to purify your chronic illness.
Another problem is to have bad karma in practice.
Some people don’t have any chronic illnesses, but they always feel pains all over the body. The so-called disease resulting from bad karmas comes from present life or previous lives.
The person might have committed certain serious crimes. These crimes could cause their pains in practice. For example, a female member felt great pain on her right hand when breathing through the wisdom door.
She knew the pain came from her bad karma because she had sold beef noodles for many years. It made her earn lots of money. She used to chop beef with her right hand, so those bad karmas would try to harm her when she practiced.
The great pain didn’t stop her practice. She endured all the pain and finished the practice. Gradually the great pain never appear again.
Now she becomes a vegetarian and departs from the bad karma of killing completely. This is not easy. For a person who earned money by selling beef noodles, more money means more lives killed. It’s very difficult for such a person to be a vegetarian, but she made it. She succeeded in purifying killing karmas by practicing three treasures continuously.
So, we don’t need to worry about our physical problems when practicing. The only thing we need to do is to consider whether we have chronic illness or bad karmas.
We don’t need to be panic, either. The appearance of these symptoms is to purify or get rid of the illness. Of course it doesn’t mean our illness can be completely healed after one period of practice. It’s just the same as we can’t wish to recover from chronic illness after taking the medicine once.
嬰兒式呼吸∣胎息法embryo-type of breathing
玄關式呼吸在道家修持中稱為胎息法(呂祖洞賓Lu Dongbin太乙金華宗旨The Secret of Golden Flower),也就是一種嬰兒式的呼吸法。我們在嬰兒時期都會,長大後漸漸忘記,而改變為胸式呼吸。我們現在只是恢復我們這個本有的能力而已。
In Taoism, breathing through the wisdom door is called embryo-type of breathing(resulting from” The Secret of Golden Flower”). This is also the breathing for babies. We all know how to breathe in this way when we were babies, but we gradually forget it when growing up. Through the practice, we just recover our instinct.
Common people usually breathe through lungs. Now according to the medical report, this kind of breathing is not healthy enough. They believe another kind of breathing, called breathing through the abdomen is healthier.
However, medical scientists discover that the really healthy type of breathing is embryo-type of breathing. What is it? It’s the fact that when a baby is breathing, his palms and arch will move. When he inhales, the palms and arches will stretch out a little bit. When he exhales, the palms and arches will shrink a little bit. Both his palms and arches have such phenomena. They will stretch out or shrink a little bit, but when he grows up, he forgets. Even the medical scientists don’t know how to recover this instinct.
Why can a baby achieve in breathing in such a difficult way? That’s because every baby is able to concentrate on the wisdom door since birth. All the babies have cross-eyes because they focus on breathing. Since they use all their energy to focus on the wisdom door, their ch’i can flow very smoothly from head to toe. Therefore, their lives can be settled down.
The heavenly light belongs to yang, while the earthly chi belongs to yin. We human beings exist in between. “The harmony of yin and yang is called Tao.” Once yin and yang are combined harmoniously, the so-called Tai chi starts its function. Our breathing practice through the wisdom door is the best way to initiate the Tai chi.
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