
20160127素食高智商-2  美國飲食協會




















美國有一位著名的“兒童素食”提倡者安東尼亞.德瑪斯博士(Dr. Antonia Demas),曾協助12個州內的60所學校推行素食計畫,


最神奇的一位學生改變飲食,成為素食者後,GPA(Grade Point Average),在校平均成績,從1.6狂升到3.4...


等級所得的點數 (Point) 通常是這樣計算的:
 A4 (4 Points)
 B3 (3 Points)
 C2 (2 Points)
 D1 (1 Points)
 E or F0 (0 Points)








Brain Health


Research shows that meat consumption may also adversely affect children’s mental abilities in both the short and the long term and indicates that a meat-free diet can give children an academic edge in their grade school years. A study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that while American children have an average I.Q. of 99, the average I.Q. ofvegetarian American children is 116.




A meat-based diet can also lead to serious “brain wasting” diseases later in life—research has shown that consuming animal fat doubles our risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.




Dr. Antonia Demas, a world-renowned researcher and president of the Food Studies Institute, is a long-time advocate of a meat-free diet for children. Dr. Demas’ “Food Is Elementary” nutritional program now provides healthy, plant-based foods to kids in 60 schools in 12 states. One school district in Florida that implemented the program was astounded by the positive changes it saw when the students at Bay Point School eliminated meat from their diets.




According to an article published in The Miami Herald, some students experienced substantial increases in their grades after they went vegetarian—one former carnivore saw his G.P.A. leap from a 1.6 to a 3.4! Speaking about his new meat-free diet, one student says, “I’d look at a rib, and I’d look at a vegetable, and I’d think, ‘Why is my mind picking the vegetable?’” Another student at the school noted that his vegetarian diet gave him the energy to wake up earlier, adding, “I never knew chickens and cows had so many hormones. Now, everything I eat is natural.”




Mary Louise Cole, the founder of this public school for troubled youth, agrees that vegetarian diets have increased the physical and mental stamina of students at her school. She says, “They seem to have a lot more energy—they don’t have the down times.” The students also saw dramatic improvements in their athletic performances after they cut meat out of their diets. Gabriel Saintvil, a senior at the school, says that the improvement in his athletic ability has been astonishing. “I used to get tired when I ran laps or lifted weights. Now I get endurance and keep on doing it.” Several students even spoke about the positive impacts of their new meat-free diets at the school’s graduation ceremony.




Dr. Demas’ nutritional program demonstrates what vegetarian parents have long known—kids speed to the head of the class when they eliminate meat from their diets.



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