關於無生老母  (節錄自郭明義 "一貫道的修持關" )  Lily Zhang 翻譯




    Q: We often prostrate to Heavenly Mother. Who is Heavenly Mother? What does it mean? Why do we need Heavenly Mother?


A: Here let’s explain the meaning, goal and performance of Heavenly Mother .


1Meaning: true void and wondrous existence.


2Goal: lead us to unite with heaven and get rid of self-attachment.


3 Performance: the middle way.


Let’s explain in detail.


1 Heavenly Mother is the true void in Buddhism. Though it doesn’t come into existence or perish, it can arise all existing things. We often prostrate to Heavenly Mother in the temple, but we never see her statue or paintings. Because it is formless, some even call her Ultimate Reality in the past. 


2the goal of praying to Heavenly Mother is not to ask for more merits but to get rid of self-attachment and ego. It aims to purify our minds of discrimination. If we have such minds, even when we are doing good deeds, we will only do them for increasing merits, not from our true nature. Heavenly Mother aims to tell us that we are the one with all sentient beings and creatures on earth. Therefore, she can help us eliminate  self-attachment and ego-center.



3The performance of Heavenly Mother for religious practice is to guide us to the middle way. A practitioner easily sticks to two extremes, either attaching to existence or attaching to void. If attaching to existence, he may be hindered by arising and perishing. If attaching to void, he may be complete apathy. So Heavenly Mother reminds us a middle way, teaching us practicing doesn’t mean to perish our minds or make them still, but teach us not to attach to any phenomena of arising or perishing. As an ancient Chinese book called “Chung-Yong” said, “ Chung means any emotion—joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness—hasn’t arisen. Once it arises and appears in an appropriate way, it is harmony.” This is the performance of Heavenly Mother. It prevents us from falling into the trap of all worries without the need to get rid of any thoughts.

Therefore, the Heavenly Mother in our Tao temples is not a kind of worshiping statues but to eliminate any attachment, put the middle way into practice, and unite with all beings on earth. It is the ultimate practice to lead us to be the one with the universe.


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