第三課 守一不移concentrate on Buddha lamp 專注、禪定、王三眛 Concentration, meditation and Supreme meditation 我們現在開始進行第四堂課,這節課是「看佛燈」。 Now we will start our fourth course: concentrating on the Buddha lamp. 為什麼要看佛燈?佛燈有什麼好看?看了對修行有什麼幫助? Why should we concentrate on the Buddha lamp? What’s so special about it? What’s the meaning of it? 看佛燈的目的很簡單-「練習專注」。 The purpose of this practice is easy: to practice concentration. 如何專注?從看佛燈開始。 How can we concentrate? Just start from looking at the Buddha lamp. 老師常叫學生:「專心!」卻不曾教學生如何專心。只把學生從恍神狀態喚回來幾分鐘,不久心又開始飄走,流浪遠方去。不只是學生,我們每一個人都經常魂不守舍,終日胡思亂想。很少有專心的時候。 At school, teachers often tell students to concentrate, but they seldom teach them how to concentrate. They can only pull them back for a few minutes, and then their minds will distract again. Not only students but also we ourselves have the problem of distracting. Our minds are often wandering, unable to concentrate. 而且在我們漫長的求學過程中只有被要求專心,卻沒有人教我們「如何專心?」。專心的程度與力量,也可以從一分到一百分不等。低度的專注無法持續,力量也不夠,高度的專注功夫才能有力量幫助我們突破人生的重重難關。 During the school days, we are only asked to concentrate, but there is no one teaching us how. Even when we concentrate, its degree and power can range from 1% to 100%. Concentration with lower degree only lasts for a short time. It is not so powerful. Only concentration with higher degree can help us overcome the difficulties in life. 今天我們要教大家一個學校老師沒有教我們的專注方法。而且是極致的,百分百的專注。 Here we will learn the method of concentration that school teachers have never taught. Also this method can make us reach 100% concentration. 如何專注?很簡單-守玄,是最高程度的專注。不僅是守在玄關一點,還可以將點延長為線守在玄關前面一直線。 How can we achieve it? It’s simple. Concentrate on your wisdom door. It is the highest level of concentration. We can concentrate on one point and also learn to concentrate on the straight line stretching from the wisdom door. 如何守玄?我們用「凝視佛燈」來訓練我們把散逸的心,收回來,定在玄關前面一條線。 How do we do it? We train our distracting minds by concentrating on the Buddha lamp to draw them back to the straight line in front of the wisdom door. 為什麼要藉著看佛燈的方法來守玄?因我們曾經在求道時專注凝視佛燈,在那專注的剎那蒙受明師一指。現在我們要再重回那專注的剎那,並且延續那份專注。 Why using such a method? It’s because when taking the Tao, we had concentrated on the Buddha lamp once. At that moment, we were initiated by Maitriya Buddha. Here we just want to return to that moment and enjoy the meditation again. 這個修持是一種禪定,不要以為禪定是吃飽太閒的人修的,禪定對我們每一個人,不分年齡都很重要。 This practice is kind of meditation. Some people may think that only idlers can meditate. But in fact, it is important to people of all ages. 不從修持的角度來看,即使從現實的角度來看,學生需要專注來應付沉重的課業;大人需要專注來完成工作;母親心神散亂,不專注危及孩子的安全;老人不專注慢慢退化成癡呆…從小到老,每個人都需要專注,「你專心一點好不好?」這句話是我們常掛在嘴邊的,但卻沒有人教我們如何專注?也沒有一門教專注的學問。專注的能力要從禪定的訓練而來。 Even from realistic aspects, everyone needs to concentrate. Students need it to handle with their studies. Adults need it to accomplish their jobs. Mothers need it to take care of their children. Elders need it to stay healthy. From youth to elder, everyone needs concentration. We often say, “Attention!” but no one teaches us how. No classes are concerning this. Actually, the ability of concentration comes from the training of meditation. 若沒有禪定的訓練,老師、父母用處罰來逼孩子專心,老闆用開除來逼迫員工專心,也許達到暫時的效果,但當沒有外在壓力、沒有必要專心時,如下班下課後,我們就放任自己妄念紛飛,要不就沉迷於網路、購物、打牌、講是非恩怨、打電動…要不就胡思亂想鑽牛角尖,罹患憂鬱症。 Without such training, parents or teachers will use punishment to force their kids to concentrate. Bosses will push their workers to concentrate. It may work for a while, but when there is no outward pressure or necessity, our minds will distract. Or we may get indulged in the Internet, shopping, playing cards or games, or gossiping. The bad result may be having too much wandering thoughts and having melancholy. 如果終其一生都沒有學會專注,任自己常處妄念紛飛,長期下來可能人生一事無成,甚至精神分裂或老年癡呆。所以這堂課對每個人的人生都很重要,學會專注不論聖業(修道)、凡業(讀書工作)都是一大進步。 If we don’t learn to concentrate for the whole life, we may accomplish nothing in our lives. Sometimes it can result in mental problems or Parkinson’s disease. Therefore, this course is important to everyone’s life. Once we learn to concentrate, we are sure to make a lot of progress in practice as well as in studying or working. 平心靜氣眼看佛燈 Concentrate on the Buddha lamp 傳道儀式中有這項看佛燈修行,我們一開始入道門的時候,就是從這裡入門的,回想我們求道的時候,點道以前,點傳師叮嚀:「平心靜氣,眼看佛燈,跪聽禮囑…」 這段過程大部分道親都不記得,沒關係,重要的不是記得,而是曾經歷過,曾在生命中起過作用。 We have experienced this practice in the initiation ceremony. Actually, we start our practice by focusing on the Buddha lamp. In the ceremony, the master told us to “concentrate on the Buddha lamp with your peaceful mind and listen….” Most of us will forget the whole process; however, it doesn’t matter. The really important part is that we have experienced the initiation. 「平心靜氣眼看佛燈」為什麼叫你看佛燈?一方面,佛燈象徵佛世界的光明,另一方面讓你的心念凝聚在一點上,惟精惟一,專注在一點上。為什麼不專注在其他東西而要專注在佛燈?因為火焰最容易抓的住人的眼睛。 Why does the master tell us to concentrate on the Buddha lamp? On the one hand, Buddha lamp represents the brightness in Buddha world. On the other hand, it can focus our thoughts on a certain object until there is no differentiation between us and the object. It is the best to catch our eye. Why don’t we concentrate on other objects? It’s because the light of the Buddha lamp catches our eye most easily. 尤其看母燈,很多人都有看了不必眨眼,眼睛也不會疲憊的感覺。如果是從母燈引燃小蠟燭,即使是燭光也令人看不厭倦。 A lot of people, when looking at Buddha lamp, feel they will never be tired. They can stare at it without blinking for a long time. Even if we are looking at the candle which is lightened up from the Buddha lamp, there will be the same effect. 這世界上不是每個東西都耐看,有時想把眼光停留在一定點來達到專注,卻有看不下去的感覺。比方說燈光,就是無法凝視的。看久了頭昏眼花。除了佛燈以外,可能大自然是比較令人看不厭的,一座山、一棵樹、一片葉子…都可以凝視良久。 Not everything in this world is worth watching. Sometimes, it’s hard for us to try to focus on a certain object. Take the lightbulb for example. It’s impossible for us to stare at it for a very long time. We will feel dizzy afterwards. Besides the Buddha lamp, perhaps Nature is another suitable object for us to concentrate on. A mountain, a tree, or even a leaf, and so on, can always catch our eye. 取念於前-王三昧 The supreme meditation 在我們求道前,因經歷這個過程而進入生命中第一次禪定。而且是最高層次的禪定。佛法把禪定稱為「三昧」,而且有千百種不同的三昧。其中最高階的禪定稱為「王三昧」也就是三昧中的王者,最上等的禪定。 Every Tao member has experienced his first meditation in life in the initiation ceremony. It is also the highest-leveled meditation. In Buddhism, they call meditation as sanmadai, which is a mental state of concentration and finally the practitioner can attain the truth through this practice. 三昧就是禪定,禪定的目的在於發起智慧,所謂「戒能生定,定能發慧」 就像教導一群小學生,要先戒律他們守規矩坐下來是「戒」;安靜下來是「定」;開始學習是「慧」。若沒有定靜下來如何開始上課?永遠吵鬧不休。所以智慧的產生在於心的定、靜。 Sanmadai is meditation. Its purpose is to initiate our wisdom. Buddhist precepts can lead to concentration. Concentration can lead to wisdom. It’s just as teaching many elementary school students. You must ask them to behave well and sit down. This is the precept. When they become quiet, they can concentrate. After they start learning, it is the representation of wisdom. If they don’t calm down, how can they start the class? Therefore, wisdom comes from the concentration of mind. 佛法中,有無量三昧,而釋迦牟尼佛在大般若經中特地傳授一種三昧,因為可以統攝千百三昧。好像國王可以駕馭文武百官一樣,所以稱之為王三昧,就是三昧之王的意思。 In Buddhist teachings, there are many kinds of sanmadai. Shakamuni Buddha taught us a kind of sanmadai which is the highest level. It is like a king who can rule all his government officials. This kind of sanmadai is the king of all meditation. 修持王三昧,不拘一定的姿勢,不講究時間地點身體狀況,可以隨時隨地行、住、坐、臥,應念得入。就像獅子王不需要狩獵技巧,只要發出吼聲,百獸自然懾服。 To practice the supreme sanmadai, we are not limited to keep a certain posture. There are no fixed time and place and physical conditions for us to follow. We can do this practice anytime and anywhere, including walking, sitting, or lying. 而修持王三昧的方法卻出乎意料的簡單,只有四個字「取念於前」也就是把念頭從四面八方收回眼前安住不動,當我們「平心靜氣眼看佛燈」就是在修持王三昧。 Its method is pretty simple. You just need to focus our minds in front of the wisdom door. When we concentrate on the Buddha lamp with a peaceful mind, we are doing the supreme meditation. 而且因為我們求道時,祖師已經拉我們一把,所以修起來非常容易。 This is especially easy for us because we have been taught in the initiation ceremony. ˙老中的眼睛 Heavenly mother’s eye 我們會一人分一個蠟燭,不是一般的蠟燭,而是母燈的分燈。都是從母燈點著的,一燈燃百燈,將老母的光明引到我們每個人眼前。 Now, in front of you is a candle. It is not an ordinary candle, but a light from the Buddha lamp. It is lightened from the Buddha lamp, the very origin of life. When we stare the candle, we not only see the brightness of it but also see the brightness of the heavenly mother. 凝視母燈就好像老母的眼睛睜開來在看著你,你也看著祂的眼睛,在這其中有佛光照進你的玄關、有老母的愛與光芒,有仙佛的智慧加持… While looking at Buddha lamp with all our heart, we will have the feeling that the heavenly mother is also looking at us with care. There seems to be mutual communication between us. As Buddha light enters our wisdom door, so do the love, brightness, wisdom, and all of the empowerment from Buddha and bodhisattvas. 如果人數不多,或家裡有佛堂在家自修,可以直接坐或站在佛桌前方,凝視母燈。 If the there are fewer practitioners or we have a temple at home, we can do the concentration practice directly in front of the Buddha lamp. 藏密修行者,也修這種專注,他們可能凝視一個杯子,一看看幾個小時,完全要靠自己的意志力去凝聚,可是我們看佛燈不同,看佛燈有佛力的加持。 Tibetan Buddhists also do such a concentration practice.They may concentrate on a certain object for several hours. They have to achieve the practice with their strong will; however, when we do the same practice, we have the blessings from all Buddhas. 簡單的說,老母看著你,你看著老母,佛燈就是老母的眼睛。這時候四目交流,不對應該是「二目交流」!我們的「玄關一目」,對應著老母的眼睛-「佛燈一目」,交流成為一條金線,這條金線一旦形成以後,你的心不會到處亂飛,你的心沒有到處亂跑,就是禪定。生命中有這份禪定就有智慧與力量。面對人生不會迷失方向,佛燈的光明永遠照亮我們的前方,老母的光芒永遠溫暖我們的心房。迷惘 perplexed Let’s put it this way. The Buddha lamp is the heavenly mother’s eye. When we concentrate on it, we are looking at the heavenly mother. The heavenly mother is also looking at us. Our wisdom doors are linked to the heavenly mother’s eye directly, and this forms a golden line between “eyes.” Once we focus our mind on the golden line, our minds will not wander. Without the distracting thoughts, our minds will have the quality of meditation. With meditation in life, we will have wisdom and power to face many circumstances and won’t fell at a loss. With the brightness of the Buddha lamp, love from the heavenly mother will always take good care of us. 經過這個修持,母燈不再只是佛堂裡的一盞燈,而已經接引到你的生命。永遠在我們生命中明亮的照破一切黑暗。 After this practice, the Buddha lamp is no longer a lamp in the temple. It has been connected to our lives and will help us overcome all the darkness in life. 看佛燈的方法The method of concentration 看佛燈時,只管看清楚,不要胡思亂想,也不要去觀想,有人看著看著看到佛燈變成蓮花,蓮花又生出一個菩薩,還為他說法,越看越複雜,這都是妄想,妄想越多,佛燈就越模糊。 The point of this practice is to look at the lamp clearly. Don’t try to visualize or imagine. Some people may imagine the Buddha lamp turns into a lotus blossom, from which there is bodhisattva teaching. This is a kind of illusion. The more illusions you have, the less clearly you will concentrate. And the Buddha lamp will look very vague. 當眼前的佛燈開始模糊時,就要趕快警覺,這意味著雜念已入侵,妄想已經跑出來了。 Be aware when the Buddha lamp starts to look vague. It means some distracting thoughts have entered and caused illusions. 一般人妄念入侵時不會察覺,當妄念已經造成情緒,越想越煩,這就像火已經蔓延燒很大以後才發現。而修行就是幫助我們察覺妄念,才有機會消除妄念。 Ordinary people are seldom aware of their illusions unless their illusions have become emotions and bothered them. Like a big fire, these illusions are hard to detect at the very beginning. Doing the practice is to help us become aware of any trivial illusions. Then, we can have the chance to eliminate them. 如何察覺妄念入侵,什麼時候入侵呢?當你所看的佛燈變模糊了,這時妄念已初步入侵,還沒有成形。 How can we become aware of the illusions and when will it come? When the lamp we are concentrating on becomes vague, it means they have entered but not formed yet. 初步入侵時,好像火,熱度已經到達燃點快要燒起來,可是還沒有燒起來,那叫妄念入侵。 In the beginning, illusions are like fire which is near ignition point but hasn’t burned yet. This is the first stage of illusion. 這時候,只要再把佛燈看清楚,妄念就驅逐出去了,等一下又模糊了,再把它看清楚,就好像我們用傳統相機拍照時要對焦距,焦距模糊了,再把它調清晰,這時候妄念就離開了。 At this moment, our clear minds can recover easily only by concentrating on the lamp again. Once it turns vague, concentrate again. It seems that we want the focus correctly while taking a picture with the camera. When the focus is fuzzy, adjust it again.