三寶修持中英對照 五
Just as any planet has to follow its magnetic line, we also have to follow our righteous thoughts; that is, the Five Word Sutra.
The Five Word Sutra is the magnetic line between us and Maitriya Buddha. It is centered by Maitriya Buddha and Maitriya Buddha is also centered by the heavenly mother. The heavenly mother is the center of all Buddha and bodhisattvas. Like the sun, it is a fixed star, but the sun itself also rotates within a bigger magnetic field.
When we are centered by Maitriya Buddha and reciting the Five Word Sutra, our mind is highly concentrated within His magnetic field. Then, you will feel everything goes very smoothly. That’s why we start to develop the habit of reciting the Five Word Sutra through walking.
Have you ever thought of the question: how much energy will it take for the earth to rotate or revolve around the sun? Humans have to use a great amount of fuels or energy to launch a space ship into the space. However, a planet doesn’t need any fuel to rotate on the right orbit. Can you imagine how difficult it will be for us to push a planet into its right track with artificial fuels?
Likewise, if we can find our right track and go around it, our life will never be a burden or unbearable responsibility. On the contrary, it will go very relaxingly and smoothly.
As human beings, we don’t need to, and we can’t create the right orbit by ourselves. Our right track exists in all the commandments which are set up by Buddha, or many saints. If we follow their regulations or God’s commandments, we are in the right track. The easiest to return to the right track is: recite Buddha’s names.
Once we live in the right track led by Buddha, our lives will become so natural and easy that it seems we will work but not tired, suffer but not worried, and get ill but not painful. We don’t need to fight with the destiny, but we still won’t make efforts in vain. Buddha’s names are just our orbits.
The orbit of the planets is on the magnetic line, and the orbit of our lives is in Buddha’s hand. How can we start this great power from Buddha? By reciting their names in a concentrative and powerful way, we are connected with Buddha. Once Buddha’s power enters, we will feel very incredible. This power is very different from ours.
In our daily lives, we tend to solve problems in our own way. Some of our methods work, but some of them don’t. You can decide which way to take. Even if we know the best solution, we may fail to follow it. We often follow our habits or wills instead of the right decision. For example, our reason tells us to control our temper when husband and wife quarrel, but our habit makes us argue. This usually results in serious or hysterias shouting. It is fully against man’s reason.
Reciting Buddha’s names is quite different. It is like calling the police. Once the police take over the case, we are not in charge of it. When the police govern, they’ll handle it in a professional way. You cannot do as you wish.
Likewise, once we start to recite Maitriya Buddha’s name, He receives our pleas and will take over our problems in the most professional way. Its result may not be the same as our own wish, but it surely will be the best and most suitable arrangement for us. Matriya Buddha can push our lives into the best status --- no differentiation between subject and object (that is, to come together as one with Maitriya Buddha).
Walking practice is blessed by Maitriya Buddha.
The difference between reciting the Five Word Sutra in mind and reciting Buddha’s names out is: walking practice is blessed by Maitriya Buddha.
The time we received the Tao is under the state of no thoughts. This is the very difference between the Five Word Sutra and other Buddha’s names. It can be deeply carved into our original nature. Once we can use the Five Word Sutra into our daily lives, our lives will work in a very regular way, just like the planets rotating in a regular orbit. In every action, we are accompanied by the Five Word Sutra. Also, each of our thoughts will be righteous since it is blessed by Maitriya Buddha.
修持實例Real examples
There is a member selling breakfast in Taipei . He has to make soy bean milk every morning. If he remembers to recite the Five Word Sutra while cooking, every customer will be very satisfied with his soy bean milk because it is so delicious. On the contrary, if he forgets to do this practice, then his soy bean milk will be very common.
The same is true with another female member. In Shi-kang, she usually cooks noodles for everyone to eat after class. And everyone feels her noodles are so delicious. But actually there is no special spice inside. When people ask her the tips for cooking, she answers, “The secret is to recite the Five Word Sutra. Once we recite it while cooking, then the food will be very yummy. ”
Besides cooking, walking is also the best time to recite the Five Word Sutra.
My father is almost ninety years old. He has some physical problems such as arthritis, rheumatic fever, sciatica. Although he is healthy, he still cannot resist the natural course of aging.
我父親發現自己的身體一直退化,這十幾年他每天經行,一開始走五分鐘就很累,走一步念一個字,漸漸他覺得很得力,覺得走路的時候,好像有一個力量在幫他抬起腳的感覺,因為他衰老有病,所以特別有那種覺受,他覺得走路輕鬆了不少,起先走五分鐘、十分鐘、十五分鐘,到現在每天一出去就要走八十分鐘以上,最少也要走八十分鐘,這麼大年紀走八十分鐘,速度還蠻快的,走起來,健步如飛。每天從石岡走到東勢再走回來,來回有 八公里 的路程,我都沒辦法。石岡鄉幾乎每個人都認識他,看到他都對他的健壯豎大拇指。而他自己的感覺是一邊走一邊唸真經有佛力加持。
When my father was aware that his body was getting old and feeble, he started to do the walking practice every day. In the beginning, he felt tired after walking for five minutes. But he kept walking and reciting. Gradually, he walked better and better. It seemed that there was a great power helping him lift his feet.
He felt he could walk in a relaxing way. From five minutes, ten or fifteen minutes to eighty minutes, now he can walk for eight kilometers for eighty minutes each time. Even a young man like me cannot make this. Our neighbors all praise him and he deeply feels his success comes from Buddha’s blessing.
My father’s achievement is very different from the situation at home. He sometimes stumbles at home, but after reciting the Five Word Sutra, he often walks in a smooth and fast way. We cannot explain this fact but can only attribute it to Maitriya Buddha’s blessing.
In religious practice, there can be some supernatural phenomena. What are supernatural phenomena? It is Buddha’s or God’s power. This power is very incredible. It comes from our calling. Once we recite Buddha’s name, his power enters and he will come to support us.
啟動我們生命的電力switch on our life’s power
The Five Word Sutra is Maitriya Buddha’s name. Why should we recite it?
As electricity is to this world, so is Buddha to us. If we don’t use the electricity, it still exists and never changes. The only problem is that the electricity is not beneficial to our lives.
Buddha’s power has great influence on us just like electricity. It has unlimited possibilities as long as we start to use it. Reciting Buddha’s name means to switch on the great power between Buddha and us. When we run into difficulties, we can recite Buddha’s name to have a bright and correct guidance. When we become depressed, we can recite Buddha’s name to light up our lives. We are not lonely at all. Instead, we have this unlimited great power in the universe.
Therefore, once we practice, we can conquer many problems like aging or illness. Buddha’s power is so incredible that Christians believe that God is almighty.
Not only in walking, but also in every moment of our lives, we can live in a regular orbit by reciting. Most modern people live a tiring live. Why? It’s because they do not live in the right track. Their lives may be in a mess or often make wrong decisions, like a planet colliding in the universe. It’s very dangerous. If we live in a right track, life should be very easy and relaxing.
Just from now on, let’s concentrate on reciting while walking. Gradually, once we have the habit of reciting, the sutra will accompany all our actions. And the Five Word Sutra can become the so-called immune system. It will naturally come to our mind in daily lives and actions. Even when we are not reciting, it may appear automatically in mind. This is the supreme result of reciting practice.
不持而持Let Buddha’s name form the immune system of our lives
Why did we mention that Buddha’s name can form the immune system of our lives? Physically speaking, our immune system will start when we are attacked by viruses.
At this moment, phagocytes like white blood cells will increase right away to extinguish them. After viruses are wiped out, the number of the white blood cells will return to it normal one.
This is true with the Five Word Sutra. Once we have the habit of reciting, it will naturally come to our mind in emergency, such as disasters, worries, illnesses, or bad karmas, etc. the Five Word Sutra is just like the white blood cells, which help us reduce all those problems in our minds. When we keep reciting, it can become a protective force in life and help purify our bad karmas.
When those disasters or bad karmas are gone, the Five Word Sutra may disappear automatically. Just as the white blood cells reduce after we recover, the sutra disappears after those disasters are gone.
No matter how small our problems may be, the Five Word Sutra is sure to accompany us and help us adjust our emotions. Small problems are like daily worries, sorrow, sadness, anger, etc. Big problems are like illnesses or disasters. The reciting practice can help solve all these problems.
Take a Tao member in Shih-kang for example. Once when she was driving past my house, a drunken motorcyclist suddenly bumped into her car on the head. He didn’t wear the helmet, and his bumping was so serious that her car was badly damaged. The motorcyclist flied across the road and fell down in front of my house and then lost consciousness. When I hurried out to have a look, I found out that Tao member kept using the Three Treasures on the road. When such a big disaster happened, using the Three Treasures is her intuition response. Because it is her daily habit to use the Three Treasures.
She said she couldn’t do anything except reciting the Five Word Sutra when it happened. The ambulance arrived and someone told us, “He has lost consciousness. This must be very serious. He may become a vegetable and you may have to take care of him for the rest of his life.” When we were on the way to the hospital, all of us kept using the Three Treasures.
照理說鋼板都撞凹進去了,可想像撞擊的力量有多大。到醫院後這騎士突然醒過來,做了所有的檢查,卻只有皮肉擦傷,第二天酒醒就出院了。酒精測濃度高達1.5! 我第一次也是最後一次聽到有人酒測高達1.5,更稀奇的是竟然沒撞死。
When we look at the crashed car, we could easily imagine how hard it had been hit. But to our surprise, the motorcyclist came to his consciousness. All the check-up indicated that he only got some bruise. The second day, he recovered and went home. However, the degree of his alcohol concentration rose up to 1.5 the day before. This is the first and my last time to hear that someone with such a high degree could escape from death.
This is the power of our righteous orbit and righteous thoughts. If we keep doing the walking practice and reciting the Sutra, what can protect and bless us is the great power from all Buddha world. This is the greatest system which can save us from all sufferings. It is originated from the heavenly mother and Maitriya Buddha. In this way, we can be fit into the heavenly system. Whenever there are disasters, Maitriya Buddha is sure to save us.
˙可以帶到生活中每一分鐘都可以修we can do the practice in every minute
The walking practice is the method for us to learn to recite Buddha’s name in life. After we are used to it, we can make the Five Word Sutra a part of our lives at any time and any place. No matter we are cooking, working, or exercising, etc., we can recite the Sutra at the same time and then do all these things better.
Even many great ancient masters reached enlightenment with this method. They were sent to the kitchen, garden, fruit yard or farm to work for learning the reciting practice. Therefore, the walking practice can be fit into other aspects of life and make us reach the enlightenment. Once there was a blacksmith. He recited one word of Buddha’s name while striking the iron. Day after day, year after year, only by this simple practice, he reached the enlightenment.
The members of all ages in our Tao groups have their own way of reciting the Five Word Sutra. Some of them recite by counting the beads; some students recite by counting street lamps when on the school bus; some recite each word by chopping vegetables once. They even have other methods like counting five fingers or reciting while stirring soup. They have various ways to recite the Sutra in daily life.
This habit enables them to handle all kinds of disasters in life. They no longer have the fear of any coming disasters. Instead, they have their way to solve those problems.
Once you find yourself reciting the Five Word Sutra automatically when negative emotions appear, it means your immune system of awareness has been working. You are now in the righteous orbit or Buddha’s pure land. This is quite important when doing the practice. The method is very simple as well: just keep reciting the Five Word Sutra until it comes to our mind automatically.
How can we examine ourselves are fit into the true practice? If the Five Word Sutra can come to our mind itself when necessary, this will be the key.
“Pure Land School” also do the reciting practice, and they will continue the practice until Buddha’s names appear automatically. This is the highest and hardest result. You can go ask how many of the Buddhists can achieve this? But in our Tao group, even a child can easily accomplish it. It’s because the Five Word Sutra is inherited from Maitriya Buddha by masters when we are taking the Tao. It directly comes from Maitriya Buddha, so it’s quite different from other Buddha’s names.
Today we hold a ceremony in which we invite all Buddhas and bodhisattvas. So, they will arrive here to protect and give us great blessings. This is a very unusual chance, for we are not doing the practice alone but are blessed and protected by all Buddhas and bodhisattvas.
Therefore, we should make good use of this opportunity to make today’s practice deeply rooted in our lives. According to my experience, as long as we concentrate and make efforts in the ceremony, every practice will influence our whole life.
Last time Master Lin held a ceremony for about fifty Tao members to practice using three treasures. After that, lots of the members had been using three treasures. When I went back to their temple to give lectures, Mr. Yen told me that almost every one of those fifty members had had the habit of reciting the Five Word Sutra. No matter they are walking or driving, the Five Word Sutra will appear automatically. So, this is the great effect of doing practice in the ceremony.
Tao is more necessary and useful in life than other insurance. As for the female member who hit a man, she would surely get into trouble without the Five Word Sutra. Therefore, once we keep the habit of using three treasures, we can easily be protected from many disasters.
˙化劫於無形 Keeping away from calamities .
Once we are used to reciting the Five Word Sutra, it will have the effect that keeps us away from calamities. I had some experiences about this. In the past, whenever I felt uneasy or scared, there would be something bad happening but I knew nothing to do. After a while, the bad thing really happened. However, after I practice using three treasures, I will start using it when feeling uneasy. Then, something bad may still happen, but not so seriously. Only I myself know it can have been a serious one.
Now, three treasures always come out automatically when I feel scared or uneasy. But nothing happens at all. This means those calamities have disappeared. Our uneasy mind gives us a hint of disasters, but three treasures can help reduce their damage. This should be the instinct of our lives. This should be the gift from heaven. Three treasures have immeasurable effects. It can save our lives. It can also save our original nature.
Besides me, many other members have the same experiences. The female member who hit a man also has experiences like this. Before the accident, her eyelids may have been trembling for several days. She had the same experience before that big accident. But these years, she may also have trembling eyelids; however, nothing serious happens. This means her practice has made many calamities away from her life.
以純陽化至隂transform yin into yang
Another reason for us to keep reciting the Five Word Sutra is that it can purify our yin chi.
In this era, many incorrect ideas and evil actions prevail. So, many people like to ask fortunetellers or psycho-mediums for help. Even some leaders of the country or the society may seek these fortunetellers for advice on many things, such as their policy or even the Feng shuei of their offices. They follow these fortunetellers’ words, and so will the common people. It is very common for our society to seek supernatural psycho-mediums. Two or three out of ten adults may have this experience.
In our Tao group, almost everyone has the above experience. They may have at least one master in fortunetelling, pacifying the soul, or making fortune; not to mention the common people.
This kind of psycho-mediums belongs to the world of darkness(ying). When we believe them and follow their words, the dark power will swiftly enter our lives, hiding on the corner.
The dark power or yin chi can exhaust the yang chi in our lives. In China , it’s called “the person is harmed by the evil power.” Therefore, we oriental people are likely to be influenced by the evil power. Almost everyone carries a little yin chi. On the other hand, westerners believe in Christian or Catholics, and they are not allowed to worship idols. So, they are not easily influenced by the evil power. They always look brighter; that is, they are brighter and healthier in mind.
The result of carrying yin chi is illnesses both mentally and physically. A more serious problem is that the person may be bothered or controlled by the evil spirits.
What are the symptoms of being controlled by evil spirits? The person will look darker and unluckier. He may often be in negative emotions like anger, melancholy, full of sicknesses, or he may even see ghosts. Why are there more events about ghosts in oriental than western world? That’s because most of us carry yin chi. However, nowadays, westerners start to believe in fortunetelling, psycho-mediums, or witchcrafts, so they are also following our society to be easily influenced by dark power. 修正後