這是Joanna Lin貼在回應上的翻譯,提供大家參考。
彌勒救苦真經 Mi ler joe ku zhen jing translated by Joanna Lin
Maitreya's Rescuing Sutra
佛說彌勒救苦經 fo shuo mi ler joe ku jing
Sakyamuni’s teaching about Maitreya Buddha’s misson of rescuing mankind.
彌勒下世不非輕 mi ler xia shi bu fe ching
Descending to world, Mi Ler Budda carrys heavenly Decree to resecue people from getting lost and being destroyed in "The End of The World”, should not be overlook.
領寶齊魯靈山地 lin bao chi lu ling shan di
The heritage we took at the initiation ritual is from Shan-dong Province.
拈花印證考三乘 nian hua ying zheng kao san sheng
We will be the chosen ones through many test to be qualified, like that of mahakasyapa(迦葉) holding up a flower while smiling at the Shakyamuni Buddha to imply that he earned the Tao celestially, with heart to heart. Then Zen(禪) lineage was established.
落在中原三星地 luo zai zhong yuan san xing di
Upon receiving Tao, true nature brightly shine from three shining stars. (The shining starts are the symbols of our eyes. The left and right eyes represent the sun and the moon. The third eye is the heaven portal.)
大證四川王桃心 da zheng si chuan wang tao xin
To testify that eyes, ears, nose, mouth of four windows should be closed, but not to flood our mind with sensational desires; also to confirm our decision with determination, make our heart truly faithful to Tao.
天真收圓掛聖號 tian zhen shou yuan gua sheng hao
With two Buddha’s help (Tian is Tian Jen Buddha, and Jen is Su en Buddha) they came to help Mi-Ler Budda for achieving the mission removing our name from Hell, and register new life in the book of Heaven.
等待時至點神兵 deng dai shi zhi dian shen bing
The Great Tao choose exact timing to descend from heaven, while, Satan came to disturb our earthy affair. That’s why our ancestors wish their descendants to convert their souls immediately; even creditors fight for claiming to whatever we may owe to them. That’s why we are waiting for twenty-eight soldiers to Defend the Heavenly Law.
雲雷震開戊己土 yun lei zhen kai wu ji tu
All deities of Thunder, Wind, and Dragon use their divine power to direct us the true nature is orginated rooted within.
天下神鬼不安寧 tian xia shen gui bu an ning
Just because it’s such a precious Tao, that all gods and ghosts are eager to search for people with affinity to surpass and convert them. Since they have lost their bodies, it seems hopeless to be surpassed before the end of world, so all spirits are upset and impatient.
親在仁天中華母 qin zai ren tian zhong hua mu
Holding the “symbolic seal”, we are immediately one step closer to the heavenly Mother.
九蓮聖教歸上乘 jiu lian sheng jiao gui shang sheng
Since we can be testified as to ascend to nine Lily terrace, this is beyond any other religion. Thus Heaven is secretly searching for sages to be
implemented in Hand, for being number on concern of disciples.
天花老母垂玉線 tian hua lao mu cui yu xian
The Heavenly Mother is pouring down the divine thread to allowing lost people to find the way back to heaven.
收圓顯化在古東 shou yuan xian hua zai gu dong
Currently in process of resecuing human period, many supernatural power and manisfestion started in the Ancient East.
南北兩極連宗緒 nan bei liang ji lian zong xu
The southern and northern factions are branched out. The sixth patriarch Hui-Neng insisted oral transmission, means to gain before cultivation; while Shen-Xiou insisted to cultivate before gaining. Maitreya Buddha reveals Heavenly tact: “What is unique?” Just that point at crux, then thousands of branches would be united as “One.”
混元古冊在中央 hun yuan gu ce zai zhong yang
After chaos, human being were born, people’s soul (self-Buddha) is fallen by God. He chooses Crux, center of body to be Buddhist characters. Unless to be polluted by environment, we can register the way (center) of returning to Heaven.
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