伸展四肢的玄關呼吸 翻譯:by Lily-Zhang
Combine the breathing practice with stretching four limbs.
方法: 玄關式呼吸、默念真經、看佛燈,同時以彌勒托天式伸展四肢。
Method: breathe through the Wisdom Door, recite the Five Word Sutra, and focus on the Buddha lamp at the same time. Meanwhile, stretch your four limbs as the following picture.
【 彌勒托天式 】 a gesture of Maitriya Buddha
When inhaling, raise your arms slowly over the top of your head. Make sure you have the feeling of stretching upward. Raise your head a little bit and look up with your eyes.
吸一次氣的時間,同時默念一次真經 ○○○○○ 。
Recite the Five Word Sutra once in one inhaling.
Try to feel like a balloon filled with chi.
You can replace the gesture of raising head with focusing on the Buddha lamp.
When exhaling, put down your arms slowly.
Make the whole body relaxed, like a flat balloon.
吐一次氣的時間,同時默念一次真經 ○○○○○ 。
Recite the Sutra once in one exhaling.
動作:雙手向上的過程,可以從身體兩側畫圓上伸,也可以從身體前面經過腹部、胸部 … 向上伸展
Points: remember to keep focusing on the Wisdom Door and reciting the Five Word Sutra. Without these two practices, it will just be a stretching exercise, not a religious practice.
In last lessons, we have introduced the breathing practice when sitting, standing and walking. Here we introduce another kind: the breathing practice combined with stretching.
The aim of the breathing practice is all the same; that is, to breathe in Buddha light and make it reach every corner of our bodies.
由於上一個修持 - 「氣貫全身的玄關呼吸」,伸展的部位集中在手指和腳趾,身體仍然有些部份無法氣脈全通,「伸展四肢的玄關呼吸」可以進一步讓氣透達全身沒有死角。將平時無法舒展到的經脈,藉這個伸展動作加上玄關呼吸配合真經,完全通達沒有阻塞。
In the last lesson, we also taught the breathing practice with stretching fingers and toes. However, chi cannot reach every corner completely. This practice, by stretching and relaxing four limbs, can make chi reach the whole body more effectively.
If you like to breathe in with your mouth, you can try it in a deep breath as long as you can make chi reach every corner of your body.
When inhaling: stretch your body and make chi full of your body as if it is a balloon filled with chi. Recite the Sutra once in one inhaling.
When exhaling: relax your body like a balloon without any air. Recite the Sutra once in one exhaling.
Why do we need to stretch?
Dr. Zhuang, a very famous medical doctor in Taiwan , invented gymnastics that can prevent cancer.
She was inspired by the observation that babies always stretch their bodies. She said, “I noticed that babies would stretch their bodies unconsciously every morning when they woke up. This kind of stretch could stimulate the muscle and pulses that were hardly used in daily life.”
She noticed that passengers always stretched themselves unconsciously after they took the plane for a long time. Many animals will do the same thing when they just wake up. She observed this and added the Chinese medical theory about pulses. Therefore, she invented a special stretch gymnastics that can prevent cancer.
Her gymnastics focus on stretching the muscle and nerves endings that are seldom used in daily life. Thus, our spleen s, Lymph glands and diaphragms can be activated. Our blood and body fluid can also circulate without block.
We don’t need to remember every movement of hear gymnastics. The point is that we should stretch our bodies more often. We need to do the most comfortable stretching exercise for ourselves together with the breathing, reciting and focusing practice. In this way, while we are stretching bodies, we also breathe in the unlimited Buddha light and energy that can prevent cancer and preserve health.
Sometimes temples are solemn places for religious practice. Therefore, if you think it impolite to Buddha to stretch the body here, you can do this exercise at home so that you can also remain the purity and solemnity of the temple.
You may feel free to do the practice at home. Many Tao members keep practicing the Three Treasures in bed before sleeping. It can help them sleep well.
A gesture of Maitriya Buddha
Many members forget how to stretch their bodies, so we provide a familiar gesture of Maitriya Buddha, which is a famous form of Maitriya Buddha.
When inhaling, stretch your arms upward slowly. When reaching the highest point, push upward a little bit.
When exhaling, put down your arms slowly and relax your whole body.
Combine your breathing with the stretching in a regular rhythm: stretch and inhale; relax and exhale. Keep focusing on the Wisdom Door and reciting the Five Word Sutra in the process so that Buddha light can reach every corner of our bodies.
There are two ways to do this. One is that you raise your arms from the front and push a little bit when reaching the top. The other is that you raise arms from your sides, like drawing a circle. You can choose either one. The graphs are as follows.
Graphs for Maitriya Buddha’s gesture
( 1 ) Raise or put down your arms from the front
1:隨著12345的分解動作,從玄關緩緩吸一次氣。念一次真經 ○○○○○ 。
1 : Inhale through the Wisdom Door slowly, recite the Five Word Sutra once from steps one to five.
2 : Exhale once, recite the Sutra and put down your arms from steps one to five.
3 : Form a regular rhythm by combining inhaling with raising arms and exhaling with putting arms down. Remember to recite the Sutra.
4 : Be sure to focus on the Wisdom Door and recite the Sutra at the same time.
( 2 ) Raise or put down arms from your sides
1:隨著12345的分解動作,將手緩緩舉高,並且吸一次氣、念一次真經 ○○○○○ 。
1 : Inhale through the Wisdom Door slowly, recite the Five Word Sutra once from steps one to five.
2:隨著54321的分解動作,將手緩緩放下,吐氣、念一次真經 ○○○○○ 。
2 : Exhale once, recite the Sutra and put down your arms from steps one to five.
3 : Y ou can raise your head and make your eyes look upward. You can also stare at the Buddha lamp, too.
4 : When your arms reach the top, you can cross ten fingers and pull them upward.
5 : The point is to keep focusing on the Wisdom Door and reciting the Sutra.
Free style of stretching
除了 「彌勒托天式」以外,也可以隨個人需要,做其他的伸展動作。只要配合上玄關式呼吸、真經持念,就不只是一般的運動,而是運動加修持。有彌勒祖師的加持、有天光、佛光的吸進。
Besides the gesture of Maitriya Buddha, you can have your own style of stretching. As long as it is combined with the Three Treasures, it is not only a kind of exercise but also a religious practice. It will have the empowerment from Maitriya Buddha and Buddha light.
The method is very simple. Make sure to breathe through the Wisdom Door and stretch yourself with exhaling and inhaling.
Exampl e :
A member did this practice before sleeping. The next morning, her foot was sore and ached that she had a lame foot. Her pain came from an old wound in the big accident about ten years ago. She had felt uncomfortable for many years. Once she started this stretching practice, her pain was on the way to recover.
After the severe ache, her uncomfortable feeling disappeared completely. She felt relaxed in the foot. It seemed that through this stretching practice, our old wound could be treated again. Although the process may not be comfortable, it ends in the recovery of our deep-rooted illnesses.
Her example tells us that practicing the Three Treasures may cause our deep-rooted illnesses to break out , but it is a process of healing, very good for our health.