三寶養生書-8 (中英對照) 翻譯:By Lily- Zhang
Breathing practice while walking
Here we combine the last lesson of high-leveled breathing practice with the walking practice (recite each of the Five Word Sutra in one step).
吸氣時手指向外伸張 吐氣時手指放鬆自然下垂
Stretch your fingers while inhaling. Relax your fingers while exhaling.
Method: combine the breathing practice with the walking practice. Meanwhile, stretch or relax your fingers and toes.
We had basic walking practice before. Here is a further lesson combining walking, reciting with breathing practice that makes chi circulate throughout the body. Once we are familiar with the previous lessons, it will be easy to us.
When we focus our body on walking, mind on reciting, noses on breathing, thoughts on the Wisdom Door, and fingers on stretching and relaxing, we can return our six sense-organs to Buddha nature. This can reduce the chance for illusory thoughts to appear.
Our illusory thoughts are very strong. They may come to our minds whenever we are used to the practice, even between this step and next, between inhaling and exhaling.
That’s why we need to develop so many methods to practice the Three Treasures and use them in turn. When we get used to a certain way of practicing, it will be so familiar to us that illusory thoughts may come to minds naturally.
The walking practice that combines with breathing can make chi circulate inside our body without obstruction. Through walking, all parts of our body can be stretched and feel more comfortable. It’s more effective than sitting or standing.
Eyes: look in front.
Ears: listen to your mind reciting the Five Word Sutra.
Nose: focus on inhaling and exhaling.
Tongue: touch the palate.
Fingers: stretch and relax with breathing. Foot: in every step, recite each word of the Sutra.
注意:吸一次氣的時間,默念一次真經 ○○○○○ ,走五步。
吐一次氣的時間,默念一次真經 ○○○○○ ,走五步。
Notes: Recite the Five Word Sutra once and walk five steps within one inhaling.
Recite the Five Word Sutra once and walk five steps within one exhaling.
Make it a regular tempo for yourself. Every one has different length in breathing. Once you find your pace, you can keep doing the practice in a comfortable way.
Miss Tseng has the problem of headache for a long time, which is most painful in summer. It influences her work a lot. After a long period of doing practice, she has improved. Once she said:
After I do this practice, my finger tips feel a little numb and itchy, just like the feeling after doing massage. Our master says it is a phenomenon of body purification.
這個修持做完時,許多人都有同樣的感覺-麻、酸或微刺 … 尤其曾受過傷的 部位或生病的部位更顯著。但不久就有痊癒時的舒暢感。
Many people had the same feeling after the practice: numb, sore or itchy. This is especially evident for the parts which got hurt before. But after a while, they usually felt comfortable.
第一次做完這個修持,有人滿頭大汗、有人在冬季全身發熱、有人排氣、有人全身微麻 … 各種體驗都有。但都一致感覺對健康有幫助,對修持三寶也有更專注的感覺。
The first time after this practice, some sweated a lot, some felt warm in winter, some farted, and some felt numb. But they all felt it very helpful for their health and practice.